19 May, 2013

Painting with light tehnique

One of the coolest things is literaly playing with different light sources and taking photos when doing it. Altough drawing with light is essence of photography, long exposures and diffenrent light sources in various colours make this as a specific tehnique in photography - called light painting photography.
When using this tehnique the subject will be lit in a dramatic, mistirious way.
Usually so called still life can be photographed using this tehnique, but also people can be your subject when doing this, they just have to be very still.
For this, you need a tripod, camera settings on M, F8 (or more), time about 30 seconds, light source (I use a simple pocket light and a mobile phone) and a subject.
Now just set your subject and don't touch it, turn your camera on and trigger, use light source and -
just paint :)

In this one - I just put empty vase on a glass surface
and painted with a white pocket light...
this kind of tehnique is the best for making dramatic reflections.

Simple leaf illuminated from back and painted with green light from front.

Sometimes my subjects make no sense - like in the following two pics :)
The dandelion growing from a bunch of cds for instance, but it makes a great still subject :)
In the first - using only white light from back,

and in the second using white light for illuminating from back, and a grenn light from phone for illuminating the dandelion and making it look alian like.

Intresting tehnique is also when using long exposures an a macro subjects. Even more intresting is when using different lights and painting different patterns and adding coulour to this macro photographs.
Using a breken cd, light from phone and water drops...

Creativity has no limits with this tehnique... in one of the folllowing posts, I will try to use lightpainting on human subjects and outdoors...
But for now... just look for the light :)