19 December, 2013

No weather is too cold when you have enough love

From colourful autumn days to cold white winter afternoons, 
they walk the path of their own... 

joyful, honest and true.

 And if I qoute one of their favorite songs: 

"There's nowhere unless you're there,
all the time, all the way."


No weather is too cold when you have enough love, right?! :) 

08 December, 2013

Simple rules of life ;)

We all have that certain something that makes us calm...
The feeling of assurance and safety.

 But sooner or later, someone will interfere with our peace and calmness!

And all we got to do, is make some noise and stand for your beliefs and pacifiers! ;)

03 December, 2013

In between

When winter is just around the corner and the autumn didn't quite leave just jet, there's this in-between time, when morning sun, autumn coloures and little crystals makes magic.